
10 Benefits of Offering Vegan Menu Options for Restaurants

Written by Johanna van Langen

Published 21 June 2024

In the competitive restaurant industry, staying ahead of trends is crucial to attract and retain customers. One of the most important shifts in recent years is the rising demand for vegan food. Offering vegan menu options widens your potential market and aligns your restaurant with current consumer values on health, animal welfare, and the environment.

This article explores the benefits of offering vegan menu options for your restaurant’s success. Continue reading to learn how a vegan-friendly menu can attract new customers, reduce costs, and enhance your brand image, while making a difference for the planet and society.

Woman and her friends sitting at a restaurant table with food and wine enjoying a variety of vegan food

Easily calculate the positive impact of your vegan menu strategy

1. Meet the Growing Demand for Vegan Menu Options

The demand for vegan food is growing fast and by offering vegan menu options you can attract a wider audience to boost your business.

The number of people that embrace plant-based food is rising. In Europe, 3% of the population follows a vegan diet and avoids all animal products, including dairy and eggs. On top of that, 5% is vegetarian and 4% is pescatarian, eating fish but no meat. More impactful is that 27% of Europeans identify as flexitarian and eat mostly vegetarian or plant-based.

The global plant-based food market reflects this shift and is projected to grow with 12,3% annually, reaching 105 B EUR by 2031. This growth outpaces the overall food industry and indicates an opportunity for restaurants. The appeal of plant-based foods extends beyond vegans, vegetarians, and flexitarians. Many omnivores also regularly eat meat and dairy alternatives. In the United Kingdom, 58% of adults consume plant-based meat alternatives, and 48% use plant-based milk alternatives.

The restaurant industry experiences the increased demand for vegan food. Between 2012 and 2022, the number of vegetarian restaurants in Europe grew from 1.253 to 4.186. Even more remarkable is the growth of vegan restaurants from 390 to 3.406. However, you don’t need to change your entire menu to meet this demand. Simply adding a few vegan options to your menu can already appeal to this growing demographic. Nearly half (48%) of restaurants in the USA have already incorporated plant-based menu items.

The vegan food trend presents an opportunity to expand your potential market and grow your business. By offering vegan menu options, you can attract new customers and position your restaurant as forward-thinking.

Infographic with statistical data on the rise of veganism and the growing demand for vegan food in restaurants
The growing demand for vegan food due to changes in dietary preferences presents opportunities for the restaurant industry. See the text for more information and sources.

2. Promote Inclusivity With a Vegan-Friendly Menu

With a vegan-friendly menu, you provide an inclusive dining experience for people who prefer plant-based dishes for various reasons.

People are becoming more aware of the impact of their lifestyle choices and the benefits of a vegan diet. They choose vegan food for its lower environmental footprint and health benefits, or for animal welfare principles.

We live in multicultural societies with people from various religious and cultural backgrounds. This diversity has enriched the restaurant industry but also presents a challenge in catering to such a diverse audience. For instance, people with Hindu or Buddhist backgrounds are more likely to eat vegetarian or vegan. Islamic or Jewish customers may prefer to eat halal or kosher, each with specific rules for the preparation of animal-based foods. With an increasingly diverse workforce, inclusivity is particularly important in employee restaurants.

Many people choose vegan due to dietary restrictions from food allergies and intolerances. Up to 10% of people have food allergies, with milk, eggs, shellfish, and fish among the most common allergens. Additionally, 68% of people worldwide are lactose intolerant and have trouble digesting dairy.

Vegan dishes are suitable for most people and can simplify your menu and reduce custom requests for your kitchen staff.

Offering vegan menu options demonstrates your commitment to inclusivity and positions your restaurant as welcoming to diverse guests.

3. Boost Group Bookings and Customer Loyalty

Offering vegan dishes can unlock more group bookings and returning customers for your restaurant. By catering to different dietary needs, your restaurant becomes more inviting for diverse groups of customers.

Considering the statistics, it is highly likely that at least one person in a group prefers a vegan meal. An inclusive menu can be particularly attractive for companies looking for a restaurant to cater their business lunch or team dinner.

Ignoring the growing interest in vegan food can also be a threat to your business. As awareness on the benefits of a vegan diet spreads, more people turn to restaurants that accommodate their preferences. With many restaurants already offering vegan options or even an entirely vegetarian or vegan menu, customers can easily move away from those that don’t.

Keep in mind that younger generations have the highest percentage of vegans 7% of Gen Z in Europe. Your funnel of new customers may dry up as the demand for vegan food rises if you don’t offer vegan dishes. So, adding vegan options to your menu also prepares your restaurant for the future.

Offering vegan menu options is a must if you aim to increase group bookings and grow customer loyalty.

Diverse group of restaurant guests toasting with drinks at a table serving an inclusive menu of pasta and vegan dishes

4. Differentiate From Competing Restaurants

By embracing plant-based food on your menu, you have an opportunity to differentiate from competing restaurants.

Many restaurants still don’t offer vegan dishes. You can step in by offering vegan menu options to set yourself apart and attract new customers. This is especially true if you want to stand out in a culinary niche that doesn’t typically serve plant-based food, such as a grill restaurant.

Marketing your vegan-friendly menu positions your restaurant as ideal for diverse groups at special occasions and business lunches.

Getting your vegan menu options right can also lead to free word-of-mouth marketing and social media exposure. Vegans are highly appreciative of initiatives that make dining out more accessible and enjoyable for them. There are many online vegan communities and influencers who eagerly share their latest finds with vegan and non-vegan friends.

More drastically, you might consider switching to an all-vegetarian or all-vegan menu. This strategy has proven successful for many restaurants but requires a deep understanding of your target audience and their needs. Adding vegan menu options can attract new customers, but an all-vegan menu may alienate existing customers.

You can leverage vegan food in several ways to differentiate your restaurant and support your business and marketing strategy.

5. Establish an Innovative Brand Image

Providing a unique dining experience with innovative vegan dishes can establish your brand as a food innovation leader.

Consumers are exposed to many international cuisines thanks to digital technology and travel. These developments have enriched the restaurant industry with hundreds of food cultures. But they have also raised culinary expectations, making it more challenging to impress customers.

Although many restaurants already offer vegan options, there’s always an opportunity to stand out with innovative vegan creations. Don’t view your vegan dishes as specialty or alternative items, but instead, use them to diversify your menu and appeal to everyone. Think beyond the standard ‘vegan burger’ and aim for a unique experience for both vegan and omnivore diners. When designing your vegan menu, take inspiration from vegan dishes in global cuisines.

Chef in a restaurant kitchen decorating an innovative vegan dish with parsley

Focusing on innovative vegan dishes not only enhances your brand image but also fosters creativity in the kitchen. Room for food innovation can attract young culinary talent eager to learn new techniques and create one-of-a-kind dishes. This creativity in your kitchen can translate into a memorable dining experience that distinguishes your restaurant.

By creating novel vegan dishes, you stand out as an innovative brand, appealing to both customers and employees.

6. Emphasise Brand Values in Marketing

Offering vegan food on your menu is a powerful way to emphasise your brand values in your marketing communications.

If you offer plant-based dishes, leverage that for marketing to substantiate what your business stands for. If your mission is to provide healthy, sustainable, and ethical food, there is no better evidence of your commitment than offering vegan food options. If you have explicit Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) goals, make sure to mention your vegan menu as part of your strategy.

Values-based marketing messages resonate strongly with today’s consumers. In Europe, the majority of people who consciously eat less meat or dairy do so for health reasons (47%), followed by animal welfare (29%) and environmental concerns (26%).

If you offer vegan food that tastes good and does good, you can use social impact data in your marketing strategy to reinforce your brand values and attract like-minded customers.

7. Protect the Planet With Sustainable Plant-Based Food

Promoting sustainable plant-based menu options can significantly reduce your restaurant’s environmental footprint.

The impact of eating meat on the planet has gained particular attention in the past decade. Animal agriculture has a massive environmental footprint despite producing only 18% of the world’s calories. Production of animal products uses most of our land and has a high water footprint. Additionally, animal agriculture emits excessive greenhouse gases, contributing to climate change. The effects of climate change are becoming more visible as we regularly face heatwaves, droughts, and floods. To stay below 2°C global warming and avoid more catastrophic consequences, we need to transition to a mostly plant-based food system.

As a restaurant, you are in a powerful position to drive the protein transition by making vegan food more accessible and desirable. By educating your customers, you empower them to make food choices that align with their values. Motivating customers to choose vegan food lowers your carbon footprint and contributes to your ESG goals.

Marketing the positive impact of your menu on the planet shows your commitment to sustainability and attracts eco-conscious diners. By encouraging customers to feel good about their choice to visit your restaurant and select a vegan dish you grow brand loyalty.

Below you see the potential impact for every 1.000 plant-based meals you serve, calculated with the Livvie food impact calculator.

Calculation of the impact of serving 1.000 plant-based meals on greenhouse gas emissions, land, water footprint, and animals
The potential savings of greenhouse gas emissions, land use, water footprint, and animal lives for serving 1.000 plant-based meals. Calculated with the Livvie Business food impact calculator, based on the average European diet.

8. Attract Health-Conscious Customers With Vegan Dishes

If you want to establish your restaurant as a health-conscious brand, healthy vegan menu options are essential.

Half of the people choose plant-based food for health benefits, and rightfully so. Animal-based foods are associated with major health issues, including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and cancer. The World Health Organisation has classified red meat such as beef and pork as type 2 carcinogens. Processed meat such as sausages and ham are even classified as type 1 carcinogens, putting them in the same category as cigarettes. On the other hand, plant-based diets are associated with a lower risk of chronic diseases and lower mortality rates.

Animal agriculture also creates health risks on a population scale. Animals in factory farms are exposed to pathogens and depend on antibiotics to survive until slaughter. This environment is a breeding ground for new diseases and potential pandemics. With COVID-19, we have learned that pandemics put extensive strain on the restaurant industry. Of all new infectious diseases, 75% are zoonotic, meaning they originate from animals.

Promoting nutritious vegan dishes can attract health-conscious customers and shows that you care about the health of your community.

9. Show Care for Animal Welfare by Serving Less Meat

Offering vegan menu options and serving less meat demonstrates your commitment to animal welfare. The reality is tragic: we currently kill 230 million land animals and 4,3 billion fish for food every day. Images of the horrific conditions in which animals live and die regularly appear in the media, often depicting standard legal practices. People who care about animals are increasingly turning away from meat and dairy to avoid supporting animal suffering.

By replacing meat dishes with plant-based alternatives, you contribute to saving animal lives. While this is a sensitive topic, and it’s important to be mindful of cognitive dissonance in your marketing, don’t shy away from highlighting your positive impact on animal welfare. Remember, people who choose plant-based foods often prioritise animal welfare over environmental reasons.

Emphasising your commitment to animal welfare by offering vegan food not only attracts vegans. It also makes your non-vegan customers feel better about dining in your restaurant and creates a stronger emotional connection with your brand.

See how many animals you could save by serving more plant-based meals with the Livvie food impact calculator.

Brown mother cow licking her calf on the head

10. Reduce Costs With Vegan Ingredients

In addition to the marketing benefits, cost reduction is another good reason to offer more vegan food.

Vegan ingredients generally have a much lower price than meat or fish. For example, plant-based protein sources like beans are easily five times cheaper than beef. While prepared meat and dairy alternatives can be more expensive, using raw vegan ingredients offers substantial savings.

Reducing costs for storage is another advantage. Many plant-based ingredients don’t require refrigeration, unlike meat, fish, and dairy products. Additionally, their longer shelf life helps to minimise food waste.

Lowering the cost per dish will improve your margins, giving you the flexibility to lower the prices of your vegan menu items. Charging a bit less for these dishes can motivate even omnivore customers to choose vegan food more often. Encouraging the choice for vegan menu options aligns with your brand values and can significantly reduce your restaurant’s environmental footprint.

If previous arguments haven’t convinced your stakeholders about adopting a vegan menu strategy, the potential for higher margins might. So, be sure to highlight the cost benefits in your business case and pitch.

By lowering your costs with vegan ingredients, you boost profitability and support your sustainability goals, making a strong case for adding more plant-based options to your menu.

Vegan Menu Options Benefit Your Restaurant and the World

Adding vegan menu options is not just a trend but a strategic move with numerous benefits for your restaurant. By meeting the growing demand for vegan food, you can expand your potential market and create an inclusive experience for diverse groups of customers. Offering vegan dishes aligns with current consumer values and marketing them wisely can strengthen your brand image by showing your commitment to health, animal welfare, and environmental sustainability.

By attracting and retaining like-minded customers, you ensure your restaurant’s long-term success. Start by adding a few vegan options to your menu and watch your business thrive.

If you want to calculate the positive impact of adding vegan menu options, check out the Livvie food impact calculator for business.

The Livvie software for business easily calculates the impact of vegetarian and vegan food initiatives

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